The guy behind the counter seemed to sense we were out for adventure so he hooked us up with a partial Vermonster.

And I'm happy to say we made fairly quick work of the thing much to the entertainment of everyone in the Garage at Harvard Square.

This is my favorite of the night and the unfortunate red eye really only proves how maniacal the whole thing was.

I love summer so much that yeah, I totally want to marry it.
I would have been all over that vermonster. I miss summers in Boston! Even if the humidity does suck.
a vermonster might be a good way to welcome you back in the fall. now that i know it exists i may be unable to resist it.
Last night, I was sick.
Right now, I'm thinking I could go for round 2.
THink Chris'd hit us up again?
**And a side note, it IS pretty amazing that we were tons of dollars over our bill. WHEN does that ever happen?
Does that red hair belong to Schmidty?! A fun cameo if that is the case.
it does indeed belong to miss sarah. she's in town for an extended stay that will include time at mi casa. the evening was actually a 'welcome back to boston for a minute schmidty" event.
seriously. we missed you.
Love that..."mr ice cream man what can you do for $20?"
I didn't realize how insane it was at the time, but mom would always hand me a quarter at Sears... point me in the direction of the candy counter....."go tell the lady you want 25 cents worth of lemon drops"
yeah i was a little surprised that we managed to haggle over ice cream prices but i guess when eight women start asking "what can you do for me," they guy behind the counter is gonna go for it.
exactly how many lemon drops can you get for a quarter??
Holy moly!
I don't even know what a Vermonster IS! But I sure would like to find out...
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