Thursday, May 31, 2007

Ooo la la!

I read once that Washington D.C. is "Hollywood for ugly people".

Apparently that is not the case with Paris and French Cinema.

Check out the new President of France, Nicolas Sarkozy

He looks like he just dropped off the set of Oceans 13.

And his family looks pretty much like a casting call at the CW.

The two older boys are his from a first marriage, the girls are his wife Cecelia's from HER first marriage and the little one is theirs together.

Sarko is only 52 and has made some pretty grand promises about what he plans to do as President. His campaign was about "a France that gets up early" (what a roast on France that google asked me " did you mean a Frances that GIVES up early?") and he has plans to get unemployment and the delightful French tradition of striking every five minutes under control.

I say we watch this guy for the next year or so and if things are looking up for France, we should elect our own President based on whoever looks the best in a Prada suit.


f*bomb. said...

uhhh...Clearly, you have not seen the debates. That means Mitt's got this game in the bag.

Zach said...

I liked Mitt on his politics... now he's got another thing going for him as well? Cool!

k8 said...

fair enough but haven't you seen barack obama on the talk show circuit??? that guy is smooth and then some...

El Jefe said...

I think SE-XY!
That's what I think.

Kristy Mouti said...

"...he has plans to get unemployment and the delightful French tradition of striking every five minutes under control."

That's like saying the U.S. is going to get Major League Baseball and apple pie under control.

Whits said...

All I gotta say is, yay for a French Pres that actually likes us.