Monday, July 27, 2009

Don't Call it a Comeback

About this time last year I was copycatting my sister and doing a cleanse from the book Quantum Wellness.

You can go back and read the post yourself so I won't rehash how great I felt afterwards or how committed I was to staying that healthy.

And then whatever. Life. Winter. Mild depression. Things just went nuts and so did my self-control.

So when a close friend said she was looking for a way to jumpstart her eating habits, we decided to do the cleanse again together. It makes me crazy that I am so lazy about the way I eat. I know I'm happier when I'm eating fresh stuff and more fruits and veggies then anything else and then I realize it's Friday and I've been eating out twice a day all week.

So see you later l-a-z-y kate.


CoCo said...

Fabulous. I support you in your endeavor. Kudos!

Also, you check out the Native Foods cookbook (available on Amazon). They have the best vegan stuff ... which most, if not all, should fit into your new dining plan.

Jen said...

Good for you! I need to join in- it's just so hard! I have a hard enough time planning Bennett's meals, let alone my own! I am going to check out this cleanse...for after I get back from Vegas next weekend, of course...

{jane} said...

more power in groups right? i know i can't "cleanse," i begin to hate the entire world, and that's not good for family life. but, i can eat better and i will starting tomorrow morning. till thursday, i get thursday off, then i will continue again. promise. don't give up - remember, power in groups.