One year ago today, Mr. Morgan William came along and turned me from a plain old spinster into an auntie.
If we were a good mormon family, we would have had a whole bunch of kidlets running around ages and ages ago but I started an alarming non-reproductive trend that carried through the siblings and well, my mother ended up being the oldest recorded member of the Relief Society who wasn't yet a grandmother. Sorry Jayne.
I, for one, would not trade our timeline for anything. It's funny how the addition of babies has managed to change everything and yet nothing. When I was home in June, we sat in the kitchen all together, talking too loud and too late and teasing each other to death like we have since we were kids ourselves. The only big difference is that now we get to do it with three amazing sisters-in-law and two little monsters that we can spoil rotten with things like tiny PUMA shoes that they will only wear once. Watching my brothers become dads has been one of the sweetest experiences of my oldest sisterhood and just can't wait to see it roll out with the other three (who will all be doing it before me I guarantee!!!).
We managed to get a three generations photo of the boys while I was home and it's crazy to see the difference in almost one year old Morgan and not quite two month old Garrett. I hope someday they are as tight with their own siblings as I've gotten to be with mine.
Happy birthday Morgan! I miss you the MOST!
Why wasn't Christopher wearing jeans? Just kidding. That is a great picture - I'm glad someone thought to take it.
Happy Birthday, Morgan. You don't even know me but I love you too.
I think it is entirely possible my mom beat Jayne in the race to be the oldest non-gram.
Morgan gets more adorable every time I see him.
i miz u 2, ant ktee.
luv, mogran
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