Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The One with the Theater

When I was in college our Thursday nights pretty much revolved around the television show Friends. I have LOTS of good memories of sitting around in various living rooms, shushing anyone dumb enough to think they were allowed to talk while we watched. One night, everyone was so engrossed in the show that when I FELL DOWN THE STAIRS, they didn't check to see how I was until the commercial.

These days Friends is on TBS pretty much all the time. I started Tivo-ing them a few months ago even though I have seen every single episode. They make a nice little 22 minute snack when I want a little TV time and nothing is on. So tonight I was watching and thinking, "it's funny that they set this show in New York and they NEVER talk about ANYTHING in the city." And like two minutes later, Ross walks in and says, "hey who wants to go to a show at the Angelika tonight?"

Apparently my television is reading my brain. Creeeeeepy.


Betsy said...

We tivo old repeats of Sex & the City for the exact same reason. It's a perfect little "tv snack" when we want to unwind.

It is strange that Friends was set in the heart of NYC but was not about NYC at all. Never thought about that...

{jane} said...

hehe. Dusty and I were way too busy for tv during those "thursday nights" and we totally missed out because in the middle of our Korea adventure we finally started watching FRIENDS on the "overseas-U.S.-channels" and couldn't believe what we had missed out on! We now own the complete DVD set...

{jane} said...

and, to "Betsy" who is the previous commenter...

I also never watched, "sex & the city," so I started in January... As you said, they are a perfect little 20'ish minute show, I can watch two during my cardio and the time flies! I started season FIVE this morning...