Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Almost every night after I take a shower I spend at much time as I possibly can putting off drying my hair. I love just about everything else about my nightly routine but for some reason-I just can't STAND the blower dryer portion of the evening.

Is that weird?


Linda said...

It's not weird at all. I hate it too. One of the reasons why I have short hair now (because it takes less time to dry).

becky said...

ugh. i hate hate HATE blow drying my hair. and the thing is, i have not-that-much-super-fine hair that takes literally three minutes to blow dry. maybe two. still hate it.

Cristin said...

I'm the same way. Try sitting on a stool while you do it. That makes it better for me.

Jamie said...

Totally with you - when I'm in Delhi and it's 105 out. The rest of time time, I don't mind, I get some of my best ideas while drying my hair.

Mary said...

I have to give myself some good songs to listen to while I'm blow drying. Makes the time go faster.

Katie said...

It's pretty horrible. I get annoyed pretty early and end up with half dried ugly wavy hair most of the time.

BTW your interview is up today on my Blogger to Blogger! Hooray!

Callie said...

I left this post on my reader marked "unread" because I wanted to post a comment to say that yes, I hate blow-drying my hair also. A big, fat thank you to whoever invented the blow dryer. Oh, and I think you're swell.

(now marked read)