Tuesday, December 26, 2006

I'll be home...

I'm sitting in my mom's kitchen in her new hourse right now, staying up too late after I spent the day playing with my friends.

Someone explain to me why at 30 years old, with a job and home and life of my own, I am sitting here in a house I never lived in feeling terribly homesick. When does the place your parents live stop feeling like home?


gretel said...

never. Trust me. Even at 31 years of age it doesn't feel different. Right now I am in my parents new appartment and it just feels like I had lived here forever.

CoCo said...

Remember the hackneyed expression "home is where the heart is" ... you're living it!

scuz said...

I don't know, dude.

Lee said...

That wasn't suzanne, it was me.
Kind of embarrassing.

Unknown said...

What Coco said.