Wednesday, December 13, 2006


So two things got sick this weekend-me, and my work laptop.

I have the sniffles and a sore throat, the computer got something that made it shut down everytime I tried to use the internet. It also suffers from an ongoing case of "I don't recognize cameras, scanner, or jump drives unless you log-on as administrator and thus, have lost quite a bit of my user-friendliness". The sniffles managed to sideline me on Monday and I spent the day in bed and then turned over the computer to the IT department first thing Tuesday morning. As is often the case with computer diseases, it ended up taking longer than originally anticipated and I got very little done yesterday.

I got here this morning and my first visitor was the IT guy. Telling me that he kinda sorta maybe forgot that I am on a different exchange than the rest of the company because I came from the Boston office and well, all of my emails since September 9 are gone. Gone. Deleted.

And I'm not sure how to react. I've worked on ALOT of important projects in the last three months and I use my email as a filing system. I keep alot of attachments and things I need in there instead of in my hard drive because I trust the IT guys to back it up. I'm so angry and want to yell at someone one minute and the next minute I just feel sort of ill about everything I've lost. And I know mistakes happen and assigning blame doesn't do any good but I can't even begin to imagine how long it's going to take me to dig out of this hole. And what is going to fall through the cracks because I can't comb through my emails every night like I usually do.

That and the lingering sniffles sort of have me mad at the world right now.

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