Thursday, January 06, 2011

True Grit

Let's start the new year right with a great Dear Me letter.

This one comes from a good friend who moved to Boston just after I left the first time. It seemed like everyone I knew was always talking about this cool new girl and I feared I was missing out. Luckily I moved back to Boston and although it was a bit of a rough patch, I finally got to meet Nat and find out what all the fuss was about. She is the kind of person who will stay in the dance club with me until the lights come on and then teach a fabulous church lesson the next week. She was the ringleader for the great Panama escape of 2010 and was a stalwart friend through way, way too much complaining about my life through much of 2009.

I love her letter for it's unbridled confidence. Too often I think women have a tendency to downplay their own talents and abilities and it can be to our detriment. I admire those women who can say-yep, I am pretty awesome. I'm still getting there but having friends like this sure helps.

1 comment:

NatAttack said...

Katie. You're lovely. And what you're doing over there is even lovlier. Glad to (finally!) have played a part.