Friday, October 01, 2010


Oh Friday I love you. All day I can think about what kind of magic the weekend might bring-and even it doesn't quite live up my expectations in the end, no one can tell me that on Friday. Anything can happen in the next two and a half days right?

Some good weekend music for you then. This track made me laugh OUT LOUD when I accidently dowloaded it instead of the Meiko song I had written down. Boys with girlfriends, the absolute dead last kind of boy you want to meet.

Every single day could use more of The Flaming Lips. Every day.

My sister Emily posted this at the beginning of the summer and I have been addicted to it ever since. Summer and weekends have a lot in common you know.

And if you haven't seen this clip from the Jimmy Fallon show of Jimmy and Justin Timberlake doing a history of rap, you won't regret it. I have giant celebrity crushes on both of these gentleman and this certainly adds more fuel to the fire.


Jamie said...

Meiko makes me happy!

H. Brown said...

i love this post.