Monday, December 28, 2009

Olde Tyme

If you ever lived in Utah as a kid, I am certain you went to Lagoon at least once a summer. And I am also certain that you remember the black and white photo shop in Pioneer Village where you could get your picture taken as a 19th century saloon girl or gunfighter. And I am willing to bet that most of your parents were not willing to pay whatever ridiculous amount of money they charged at said shop to get such a photo. Am I right?

So when Emily came out to Colorado Springs and we walked by such a place in our touristy wanderings, the 12 year old me was just bursting to do it. It turned out that 12 year old Em was pretty easy to convince as well and next thing you knew this happened:

I'm thinking I ought to crop that cleavage, make it my Facebook profile photo and see what if it has any effect on my relationship status.

But don't worry, after we satisfied our inner 12 year olds, we let our inner Olympians out as well.

Sonic drinks are very, very important staples of our training you see.


Kylie said...

WOW. That may be the best old timey photo I've ever seen. Indian + Saloon Girl. Priceless...

aaronymous said...

if you are serious about your facebook relationship status you wouldn't crop the cleavage

Kevin Ashworth said...

Crop not.

Jamie said...

hilarious! so sorry I missed you in SLC (again!) Enjoy Vancouver!