Sunday, February 12, 2012


One of the sweetest simple pleasures of my life is hearing a song I like in the car and then being able to identify it with an app on my iPhone, immediately download it, and be enjoying it on repeat 90 seconds later.

Also irresistible to me is a song that is so relentlessly upbeat I can't sit still. I happen to be pulling into a parking lot yesterday when this little gem came on the radio (yes I still listen to the radio, don't faint) and I went from being in a good mood to being in a GREAT mood.

I have to get back to the office tomorrow after five weeks of gallivanting and I'm certain it will be a shock to my system. So of course I spent the weekend having fun with my friend Amanda who is in town for work and talking about boys and music and life plans. I have come to the conclusion that we single people have WAY TOO MUCH TIME ON OUR HANDS to sit and ponder "what it all means." I need a husband and kids so I can focus on things like nagging and diaper changes.

In any event, this song is going to get into my all time most played on iTunes at the rate I am going (and yes, I'm dancing at the kitchen table-it can be done.)

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