Sunday, May 07, 2006

It was nine feet high and six feet wide

One of the first photos in my baby book is of me as a tiny baby girl sitting on the floor in front of my father who is singing and playing the guitar. I am sure it was either Neil Diamond or John Denver since some of earliest memories are my brother and I begging him to sing "Kentucky Woman" or "Grandma's Feather Bed" one more time. And I realize this just makes me like pretty much every girl in America but because my daddy played the guitar, a boy who can play has always been one of my favorite things.

So I was thinking about that when I got home tonight from an evening with friends in LA and imagining how much that little girl would have enjoyed this:

(note: neither Greg nor Jed actually played anything for us. They just strummed while they talked. Which makes these photos even more awesome.)

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